Bryony Roots

bryoniesWhite bry­ony (Brio­nia Dioica) is also known as False Man­drake, Eng­lish Man­drake, Ladie’s Seal, or Dev­il’s Turnip. In the past, Bry­ony was false­ly sold as man­drake in some areas dur­ing the Mid­dle Ages. Its roots, purga­tive and tox­ic, which can cause nau­sea and vom­its if ingest­ed, were carved and mould­ed into human shape by ludi­crous mer­chants, and so it acquired quite an unde­served vul­gar reputation.

In the Poi­son Path, this pow­er­ful root ‑said to be a ‘furi­ous mar­tial plan’ by Culpeper- is con­sid­ered a gift of the Dev­il for works of Treach­ery, Mis­chief, Betray­al, Retal­i­a­tion and deep works of Trans­for­ma­tion. Not with­out rea­son, Augus­tus Cesar was said to wear crowns of bry­ony to pro­tect him­self from lightning.

17880061_10158717552430107_3227934052987323963_oAs stat­ed by D. Schulke in Viri­dar­i­um Umbris: “A root beloved of the dev­il (…) it is, and has always been, a Wort of Deceit and Trick­ery and serves whol­ly for the work of the Idol of Guis­ing. In this, the hor­rid­ly carved Roots of White and Black Bry­ony serve as nucle­us from which the pow­er of illu­sion may be drawn” (p. 396)

These roots were gath­ered on Wednes­day 12th or April 2017, first thing in the morn­ing (before the sun shone high in the sky), in the cross­roads of a for­est area. Gath­er­ing this kind of infer­nal plants requires the usage of iron tools, a lot of suf­fer­ing, but also cun­ning and a bit of blood. Those things were giv­en and offered willingly.

It would be advis­able to take them seri­ous­ly and show them respect when work­ing with them, for they can also be tricky. A good deal of pro­tec­tion and offer­ings is advised.

Roots avail­able at the Store. They come with infor­ma­tion on how to pro­ceed with them, and a plant offering.


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