New Territory, new Spirits, same Poisons?

Offer­ings and presentations

It has been long since we last wrote an arti­cle for the blog. If you are famil­iar with our Insta­gram, you will be aware that we have moved to the north­ern part of the Iber­ian Penin­su­la, and so, that we now live in the Cata­lan Pyrenees.

To us, that change is med­i­tat­ed, and the rea­sons behind it are many. The Pyre­nees area has a very strong appeal towards us because of its cli­mate, its flo­ra, and, spe­cial­ly, its his­to­ry. The Pyre­nean moun­tains were the place where the Euro­pean witch craze of the late Mid­dle Ages start­ed. The town where we live is, in fact, the place where the first civ­il law against witch­craft was passed. It is, to us, a more than ade­quate and promis­ing ter­ri­to­ry to start reviv­ing the Pyre­nean Path of Poisons.

Thus, we find our­selves in a whole dif­fer­ent place, with its own needs, and its own spir­its. We feel we are regard­ed as for­eign­ers by the unseen, and they analyse and scru­ti­nise us. Yet, it is their right to do so. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, arriv­ing to a new place is nev­er easy. And this is even more rel­e­vant in terms of spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, mys­ti­cism, spir­it con­gress, and mag­ic, for spir­its are reluc­tant to estab­lish con­tact with for­eign­ers, some­thing that, in our par­tic­u­lar case, is incre­ment­ed by their moun­tain-like per­son­al­i­ty. What is that spir­its need? It seems to us that they need signs of devo­tion: con­stant, hon­est, heart-felt devo­tion, under­stand­ing, and care. One can­not expect to har­vest fruits with­out care.

Regard­ing etiquette

We believe that each time we arrive to a new ter­ri­to­ry which we intent to turn into a home or a place we want to build a link with, there are process­es that shall be med­i­tat­ed and endured prop­er­ly. It is wide­ly claimed that each time we arrive to some­where new, the place must be cleaned and cleansed. How­ev­er, we do not advise doing such thing with­out hav­ing a pre­vi­ous knowl­edge of the spir­its that dwell in what is to become our home. Enter­ing a build­ing, a gar­den, a foun­tain, a for­est, or a moun­tain, and start spray­ing it with rue water or fumi­gat­ing it with palo san­to could be regard­ed as a hos­tile atti­tude towards spir­its. Per­haps it would be wis­er to present one self with respect and an open mind before start­ing to try and exor­cise a place we don’t know spir­i­tu­al­ly or mag­i­cal­ly speaking.

In terms of the plant realm, a sim­i­lar view­point may apply. There will be plants that are nat­u­ral­ly avail­able in one’s pre­vi­ous area. But again, it is not wise to pre­judge them, even though we think we are famil­iar with them. For instance, the way ver­vain acts or reacts in the Mediter­ranean area does­n’t need to be the same as the Pyre­nean ver­vain. In the end, no one can pre­sume to know what are spir­its about, how they func­tion and what are their needs.

Fox­glove in the Pyre­nean mountains.

A ter­ri­to­ry has its own guardians, its own ener­gy and its own per­son­al­i­ty. The prac­ti­tion­er of mag­ic has the respon­si­bil­i­ty to deci­pher the signs and find the keys that unlock its mys­ter­ies. Only then will he/she be able to be part of it and grow in its potential.

A new but old Path before us

The prac­ti­tion­er of the Arts that belong to the Crooked Path, as well as the mys­tic, the bohemi­an, the artist, and the fool, fol­lows a direc­tion no one can know. It has no time or place, it sim­ply destroys the sta­tus quo. And that sac­ri­fice of one’s secu­ri­ty and safe­ty, which may feel at first as if walk­ing blind­fold­ed, is in fact one of the few con­scious steps we make, those which make us not feel at ease, those that cre­ate dis­com­fort and uncertainty.

The step we have made in Occvl­ta goes beyond the needs of dai­ly life. It is the answer to a call we heard long ago. The Path of Met­zine­r­ia, which is the name we have giv­en to the Way of Poi­sons in our local tra­di­tion (there shall be more arti­cles on the mat­ter), presents itself as some­thing that must be redis­cov­ered and gained back from the shad­ows. It is a con­stant process where the herbal­ist, the witch, and the devo­tee must find the bal­ance between writ­ten lore, expe­ri­ence, cus­tom, and gnosis.

Creative Commons License
New Ter­ri­to­ry, new Spir­its, same Poi­sons? by Sem­pro­ni­ana Tort — Júlia Car­reras is licensed under a Cre­ative Com­mons Attri­bu­tion-Non­Com­mer­cial-NoDeriv­a­tives 4.0 Inter­na­tion­al License.

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