Sacred Tool series: the Harvester Set

img_8544Today we received six har­vest­ing knives won­der­ful­ly envi­sioned and hand craft­ed by Cody Dick­er­son from Bore­alis Iron­works (you can find his fan­tas­tic Etsy shop in here), which will inte­grate the upcom­ing Har­vester Sets (com­posed of a harvest/gathering knife and an oil to anoint the blade before the har­vest­ing rit­u­al). They are per­fect sized (portable and eas­i­ly con­ceiv­able), their blade is sharp, and their lit­tle horns are a help­ful ally when unearthing roots.

The oil, craft­ed by Occvl­ta, and con­sis­tent of a series of pro­tec­tive resins and herbs, will make sure the blade is not offend­ing any spir­it locii and will help in the tran­si­tion of the plant spir­its from their nat­ur­al state to that of the plant corpse. It will also include an herbal offer­ing and instruc­tions for procedure.

Here is a pic­ture of each knife, detailed (click on image to enlarge):

We will pos­si­bly be offer­ing a pre-order option for them, if we see it nec­es­sary. You can stay updat­ed through our Face­book page and Insta­gram.

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