What we lose and what we find in Slumber

QLVE5101Exis­tence often ignores our per­son­al agen­da. The events that take place in our lives make us col­lapse and we feel like every­thing pre­vents us from mov­ing for­ward as we had pre­vi­ous­ly planned. Our life and our path are sub­ject to that of oth­ers and to those things that we do not expect, to the Inevitable.

All this affects our approach to Witch­craft: there are times when we want to con­scious­ly move along the way and we find our­selves unable to advance, and, sud­den­ly, in the worst time, we feel forced to advance in the path of Witch­craft in a way that does not allow dis­cus­sion. Sure­ly many will rec­og­nize that feel­ing. But these lit­tle dilem­mas, these small per­son­al bat­tles are more impor­tant than they might seem, and per­haps they should remind us of the main rea­son that led us to fol­low the path of Witch­craft, the rea­son which moti­vat­ed us to accept this chal­lenge and decid­ed to ded­i­cate Part of our exis­tence to know the Invis­i­ble. Because, the say­ing that goes “Life is what hap­pens to you while you are mak­ing oth­er plans” could also be eas­i­ly applied to Witchcraft.

Let’s not for­get that Witch­craft acts sub­tly in our dai­ly life, since it does not depend on us but it is a path that is capa­ble of sur­viv­ing on its own. But life, in its fren­zy, drags us along. There are times when we encounter chaos and we just let our­selves get car­ried away by life, and it is at these times when the iner­tia of whirl­wind helps us to accom­plish goals that often seem impos­si­ble. We are able to draw strength from unex­pect­ed places in order to move for­ward, although, with­in us, we may not want to move on.

But when calm comes, when com­mit­ment and oblig­a­tion just stop and we can choose whether to act or not, whether do what you should or enjoy a well deserved rest, we often suc­cumb to slum­ber, and start feel­ing guilty. On these occa­sions, when we believe that we are not doing any­thing pro­duc­tive, or that we are not mov­ing for­ward in the path of Witch­craft, we should just stop and ana­lyze the situation.

I have often found the phrase “use it or lose it” being used regard­ing Witch­craft, stat­ing that, when we stop per­form­ing Mag­ic or prac­tis­ing Witch­craft, we start los­ing the mag­i­cal capac­i­ties we have had, or los­ing con­tact with the spir­its with which we had once dealt with. But Witch­craft, as a path of life, is always there, and will con­tin­ue to be, no mat­ter how many 30-day chal­lenges we want to fol­low or how do we want to accom­plish a dead­line in our witch’s agen­da. Witch­craft still exists in the back­ground, togeth­er with our vital prob­lems and dai­ly nuissances.

There are, of course, a series of things that we can not ignore, espe­cial­ly in those cas­es where we have made pacts with spir­its. But despite these vicis­si­tudes, we must learn to see how life, Death, and Witch­craft con­tin­ue to work in the dark. And even in those times when we feel we are not achiev­ing the goals we had posed on our­selves, and we feel like we want to move back for a while, this is also an advice that we receive from our intu­ition, our instinct, the one that brought us here in the first place. Intu­ition and instinct are also part of the Art of Witch­craft, and they speak through it. Ignor­ing our inner advice will just end up in trouble.

Just like nature, which lays in slum­ber dur­ing the peak of win­ter, Witch­craft per­pet­u­ates its cycle, wait­ing for the right moment to bloom again. We, as prac­ti­tion­ers, can not force the rhythm of things, but our respon­si­bil­i­ty is to dis­cern lazy­ness from the need to slow down, we must know what role we must accom­plish with­in our own path, where do we want to go, and what are we pre­pared to do, so that, either in chaos or calm, we can feel in our place.



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