Necromancy and Herbalism: Online Course October 2020


Necro­man­cy and Herbal­ism: Plants of the Dead


Our lives depend on Death. We nour­ish our­selves with Death every time we eat, we revive the Dead each time we talk about or think about them. We cycli­cal­ly cel­e­brate the Death and Rebirth of the nat­ur­al cycle. And although Death is some­thing con­stant­ly present in our dai­ly lives, it entails a nev­er-end­ing mys­tery. And so it has been since the very begin­ning: Death has always moti­vat­ed the cre­ation of beliefs, reli­gions, cus­toms, and traditions.

The Plant world is close­ly relat­ed to the Mys­tery of Death. For cen­turies, Plant Allies have been used for com­mu­ni­cat­ing or com­muning with the Dead, to scare off those spir­its that have become rest­less and par­a­sitic, and to try and under­stand the great Mys­tery of the ulti­mate trans­gres­sion in mys­ti­cism and religion.

In this two-week online course, we will deal with Herbal­ism in rela­tion to Necro­man­cy. In order to do so, we will talk about the his­to­ry, prin­ci­ples, and ele­ments of the clas­si­cal necro­man­tic prac­tice. We will ana­lyze how this path relates to folk mag­ic and witch­craft. We will dis­cov­er which plants have been used in necro­man­tic rit­u­als, funer­ary cer­e­monies, and which plants have been used in Ances­tor Work through the ages.

Addi­tion­al­ly, we will address the har­vest of Plants intend­ed to be used in Necro­man­cy, Funer­ary rites, Ances­tor Work, and we will intro­duce the basics of grave­yard etiquette.

Enroll­ments start on Sep­tem­ber 3rd at the store.

Course Syllabus

Week 1:

  • Death in Folk­lore and TraditionNECRO_ENG
    • Ances­tor Work
  • His­to­ry of Necromancy
    • Prin­ci­ples of Necromancy
    • Ele­ments for Necro­man­tic Practice
  • Necro­man­cy Today
  • Death and Witchcraft

Week 2:

  • Plants of the Dead
    • Necro­man­tic Plants
    • Funer­ary Plants
    • Plants and Ancestors
  • Har­vest­ing the Plants of the Dead
  • Grave­yard Etiquette


    • First les­son: 4th of Octo­ber 2020: 
      • at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT)
    • Sec­ond les­son: 11th of Octo­ber 2020: 
      • at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT)

If you need help fig­ur­ing out at what time is the class please check the fol­low­ing link:


The Necro­man­cy and Herbal­ism online course costs 80 euro. The prices will be updat­ed in 2021, so this is the final chance to enroll in this course for a reduced cost. The reduced price still includes:

  • 24-page pdf dossier
  • 2 Zoom lessons of 3 hours and 30 min­utes each
  • online tech­ni­cal sup­port via instant mes­sage or email

How to enroll

Enroll­ments open Sep­tem­ber 3rd at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT) and they will be made through the store.

Once you have placed your order, you will receive a pdf with instruc­tions on how to access the Zoom class and oth­er details.

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