Online Courses calendar for 2020–2021

Necromancy and Herbalism: the Plants of the Dead

4–11 Octo­ber 2020 at 6pm Span­ish time

A jour­ney through the his­to­ry and evo­lu­tion of Necro­man­cy, per­haps the old­est form of sor­cery. We will dis­cov­er which plant allies that have been used in necro­man­cy, funer­ary rites, and ances­tor work since ancient times.

The Path of Poisons 

7–14-21 Novem­ber 2020 at 6pm Span­ish time

This course with the appli­ca­tions of eth­nob­otany in the west­ern tra­di­tion, through the con­cepts of phár­makon, ven­efi­ci­um, met­z­i­na, and entheogens. We will dis­cov­er the secrets behind some demo­nized plants, and we will learn how to walk this path with secu­ri­ty, coher­ence, and confidence.


Plants of the Hedge

6–13-20 Decem­ber 2020 at 6 Span­ish time

In this course, we will dis­cov­er the plants of the Hedge, i.e. plants that shape our con­tact with the Under­world, Spir­it flight, and oth­er trance prac­tices asso­ci­at­ed with witch­craft. We will dis­cov­er the secrets of thorns and their role as allies and tal­is­mans to help us in the prac­tices of hedge witch­craft and spir­it flight.


The Witches’ Ointment

6–13-20 Feb­ru­ary 2021 at 6 pm Span­ish time

A the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal course in which we will unveil the secrets of the famous witch­es’ oint­ment. We will talk about its his­to­ry, con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion, ingre­di­ents, and method of prepa­ra­tion, and we will apply it to the prac­tice of witch­craft as part of an ini­tia­to­ry and intro­spec­tive practice.


Plants for protection: cleansing, warding, and strengthening herbs

10–17-24 April at 6pm Span­ish time

The­o­ret­i­cal-prac­ti­cal course on those plants con­sid­ered pro­tec­tive and capa­ble of ener­get­i­cal­ly or spir­i­tu­al­ly clean­ing places, objects, and liv­ing beings in the west­ern tra­di­tion. We will cov­er folk­lore and pop­u­lar cus­toms relat­ed to mag­i­cal pro­tec­tion, and learn to estab­lish para­me­ters and rit­u­als to elim­i­nate harm­ful energies.


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