Plants of the Hedge online course

Plants of the Hedge



In Occvl­ta we under­stand witch­craft as a path that seeks to explore the lim­its of exis­tence and grant us access to the Oth­er­world. Its aim is to bring us togeth­er with Oth­er­ness by tran­scend­ing the self. In order to reach that state of Oth­er­ness, we feel it is nec­es­sary to inter­act with the Hedge, the bound­ary between Worlds, the bar­ri­er between the nat­ur­al and the super­nat­ur­al.
If we look at folk­lore and cus­tom­ary tra­di­tions, we will find that the Hedge is often rep­re­sent­ed by the area enclosed by a fence or a deep thick­et of thorny bush­es that pro­tects the domes­tic world from the out­side: a very pow­er­ful sym­bol that has been installed in our col­lec­tive uncon­scious up to this day. This con­cept will serve as a Leti­mo­tiv in this course to be able to cre­ate an indi­vid­ual prac­tice of Witch­craft, in which each attendee will cre­ate his/her own method of Hedgerid­ing with the help of the Land and Plant Allies of his/her choice.

With the help of occult herbal­ism we will dis­cov­er the Plants of the Hedge, those that facil­i­tate access­ing the Oth­er­world and to car­ry out oth­er prac­tices asso­ci­at­ed with witch­craft, and we will try to dis­cov­er their secrets and their role as allies in Spir­it Flight.

We will offer a his­tor­i­cal and folk­loric frame­work in which to place the indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ence, per­haps serv­ing as inspi­ra­tion and a start­ing point to inter­act with the Land and its hid­den aspects.
We believe that this course can help cre­ate a nexus between witch­craft and herbal­ism and the poi­son path, a prac­ti­cal start­ing point with a the­o­ret­i­cal base to inspire us to cre­ate our own practice.

Who is this course aimed at?
This course is aimed at those who wish to work on prim­i­tive witch­craft and sim­i­lar mys­teric paths with the aid of the Land and the plant king­dom, so it would be rec­om­mend­ed to herbal­ists, witch­craft prac­ti­tion­ers, and those who walk the path of poi­sons, what­ev­er lev­el they may have.


Course Syl­labus

Block I:

  • Pre­lim­i­nary Notes on Prim­i­tive Witchcraft
  • Witch­craft Today
  • Hedge­witch­ery
  • The Hedge
    • Hedgerid­ing Practices
    • Hedgerid­ing Prac­tices Asso­ci­at­ed to Sor­cery, Mag­ic, Herbal­ism, and Medicine
  • PRACTICE 1: The Land as a Key to Access the Hedge

In this first block, we will present the con­cepts of prim­i­tive witch­craft, the Hedge, and the dif­fer­ent tech­niques of Hedgerid­ing in which we can estab­lish our prac­tice. In the prac­tice of the block we will talk about the role of the Land in the Witch­craft-relat­ed prac­tices, and how to estab­lish a rela­tion­ship with it.

Block II:

  • The Plants of the Hedge
  • Thorny Plants
    • Ben­e­fi­cial Thorns
    • Malef­ic Thorns
  • Thorns in Mag­ic, Med­i­cine, and Sorcery
    • Appli­ca­tion of Thorns in Mag­ic, Med­i­cine, and Sorcery
  • Thorns and Witchcraft
    • Appli­ca­tion of Thorns in Witchcraft
  • PRACTICE 2: a Prick­ly Job, find­ing the Hedge in the Plant Kingdom

In the sec­ond block, we deal with the Plants of the Hedge, those that are com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed in folk­lore with the Hedge (bush­es and thorny plants) as well as the psy­choac­tive plants that have been asso­ci­at­ed with the rid­ing of the Hedge in the west­ern tra­di­tion, their role in the sor­cery, mag­ic, med­i­cine, and witch­craft. We also incor­po­rate a prac­tice aimed at find­ing the Hedge plant with which we will work on our per­son­al practice.

Block III:

  • How to Inter­act with the Plants of the Hedge
    • Iden­ti­fy­ing Plant Allies
    • Estab­lish­ing Contact
    • Har­vest­ing Plants of the Hedge
    • Inte­grat­ing Hedge Plants into Per­son­al Practice
  • Some Con­clu­sions
  • PRACTICE 3: The Spir­it Ves­sel, an Ally of the Hedge
  • Bib­li­og­ra­phy

In the third block we will talk about how to inter­act with the Plants of the Hedge and incor­po­rate them into our witch­craft prac­tice and oth­er mys­teric paths. We will address its har­vest and pos­si­ble inter­ac­tions, focus­ing on the prac­ti­cal aspect of spir­it ves­sels, an ancient con­cept present in West­ern folk­lore that will be very use­ful to estab­lish a con­tin­u­ous and fruit­ful con­tact with our cor­re­spond­ing plant ally.

*Each part of this course includes a series of prac­tice sug­ges­tions for which you will not need any materials.

Enroll­ments will open on Novem­ber 6th at the store. More info below.



  • Block I: 6th of Decem­ber 2020:
    • at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT)
  • Block II: 13th of Decem­ber 2020:
    • at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT)
  • Block III: 20th of Decem­ber 2020:
    • at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT)

If you need help fig­ur­ing out at what time is the class please check the fol­low­ing link:



The price of the course is 195 euro. The price includes:

  • a dossier with all the con­tents of the class
  • 3 three-hour length online class­es via Zoom and the chance to access the record­ings of the class in case you miss them for 60 days
  • online tech­ni­cal and didac­tic sup­port via mail and instant message
  • Exclu­sive access to the “Intro­duc­tion to Witch­craft” 90 minute talk for 60 days.


How to enroll

Enroll­ments open Novem­ber 6th at 6pm Span­ish time (12pm EDT / 11am CDT / 9am PDT) and they will be made through the store.

Once you have placed your order, you will receive a pdf with instruc­tions on how to access the Zoom class and oth­er details.

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