Animistic Herbalism 101 online course


The Ani­mistic Herbal­ism 101 course

Each month you will have a dif­fer­ent class on ani­mistic herbal­ism in pod­cast form (acces­si­ble only through Phar­makeus tier on Patre­on, start­ing Sep­tem­ber 1st). 

Each ses­sion will con­sist of a 15 minute pod­cast with access to a dis­cord group to cre­ate dis­cus­sions and debate regard­ing ani­mistic herbal­ism. Here are the top­ics that will be dealt with each month:

Sep­tem­ber: Ani­mistic herbal­ism: basic concepts.

Octo­ber: Plants as spir­its: his­to­ry and implications.

Novem­ber: Plants as allies: what makes an ally? Typolo­gies, history.

Decem­ber: Inter­ac­tions with plant spirits.

Jan­u­ary: About Offer­ings: basics and concerns.

Feb­ru­ary: Har­vest and for­ag­ing allies.

March: Grow­ing allies.

April: Cre­at­ing alliances: meth­ods and implications.

May: Inter­pret­ing and read­ing signs.

June: Appli­ca­tion principles.

July: Eth­nob­otany and plant lore principles.

August: Trou­bleshoot­ing and Q&A.


How to enroll

In order to enroll the Ani­mistic Herbal­ism 101 course you will have to join our Occvl­ta Patre­on PHARMAKEUS tier (avail­able Sep­tem­ber 1st).


Price, dates, record­ings, and oth­er info

Each month on Phar­makeus tier is 12 euro + taxes. 

The Ani­mistic Herbal­ism 101 course will be avail­able at the begin­ning of each month in pod­cast form.

Record­ings will be avail­able for 30 days.


Don’t wor­ry, we will be offer­ing record­ings and mate­ri­als from our past cours­es at a reduced price, so as to make them acces­si­ble to every­one. It’s pos­si­ble that we repeat a cou­ple of our old cours­es, we will announce the date soon.

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