Born out of the will to maneuver the energies dwelling in Nature, Occvlta exults over the most arcane
and crooked paths of yore. Through solution, conjunction, coagulation, and exaltation, we
intend to transform the prima materia into powerful ‑yet sensible- creations.
The result is a series of ritually-crafted materials, engendered
in accordance with long-established correspondences,
the reign of lunar and seasonal cycles, and
the wisdom acquired through
* *
Occvlta is a two-people endeavor (Hector and Julia) whose main aim has been focused on teaching and crafting high-quality herbal products and artifacts for the alchemist, the poisoner, the apothecary, and the practitioner of Witchcraft since 2013. We perceive herbalism from an animistic and respectful point of view towards the Land and the spirits that reside therein.
We reside in the Pyrenees of Catalonia and the focus of our work revolves around the awakening and remembrance of forgotten Witch and Plant lore from the mountain territories, something we try to accomplish through our creations but also through working with museums, cultural organisations, workshops, and teaching.
Occvlta es la iniciativa de dos personas (Héctor y Júlia) cuyo objetivo principal se centra en la difusión, la didáctica, y la elaboración de productos herbales y artefactos de alta calidad para alquimistas, herbalistas, y practicantes de brujería desde 2013. Percibimos el herbalismo desde un punto de vista animista y respetuoso con el Territorio y los espíritus que residen en éste.
Residimos en los Pirineos de Cataluña y el enfoque de nuestro trabajo gira en torno al despertar y la recuperación de la sabiduría popular sobre plantas y brujería en los territorios de montaña, algo que intentamos lograr a través de nuestras creaciones pero también a través del trabajo con museos, entidades culturales, talleres, y labores de difusión.
You can also find us on Patreon, Instagram, and Facebook.