About — Acerca de


Born out of the will to maneu­ver the ener­gies dwelling in Nature, Occvl­ta exults over the most arcane
and crooked paths of yore. Through solu­tion, con­junc­tion, coag­u­la­tion, and exal­ta­tion, we
intend to trans­form
the pri­ma mate­ria into pow­er­ful ‑yet sen­si­ble- creations.

The result is a series of rit­u­al­ly-craft­ed mate­ri­als, engen­dered
in accor­dance with long-estab­lished cor­re­spon­dences,
the reign of lunar and sea­son­al cycles,
the wis­dom acquired through

*      *

Occvl­ta is a two-peo­ple endeav­or (Hec­tor and Julia) whose main aim has been focused on teach­ing and craft­ing high-qual­i­ty herbal prod­ucts and arti­facts for the alchemist, the poi­son­er, the apothe­cary, and the prac­ti­tion­er of Witch­craft since 2013. We per­ceive herbal­ism from an ani­mistic and respect­ful point of view towards the Land and the spir­its that reside there­in.
We reside in the Pyre­nees of Cat­alo­nia and the focus of our work revolves around the awak­en­ing and remem­brance of for­got­ten Witch and Plant lore from the moun­tain ter­ri­to­ries, some­thing we try to accom­plish through our cre­ations but also through work­ing with muse­ums, cul­tur­al organ­i­sa­tions, work­shops, and teaching.

Occvl­ta es la ini­cia­ti­va de dos per­sonas (Héc­tor y Júlia) cuyo obje­ti­vo prin­ci­pal se cen­tra en la difusión, la didác­ti­ca, y la elab­o­ración de pro­duc­tos herbales y arte­fac­tos de alta cal­i­dad para alquimis­tas, herbal­is­tas, y prac­ti­cantes de bru­jería des­de 2013. Percibi­mos el herbal­is­mo des­de un pun­to de vista ani­mista y respetu­oso con el Ter­ri­to­rio y los espíri­tus que res­i­den en éste.
Residi­mos en los Piri­neos de Cataluña y el enfoque de nue­stro tra­ba­jo gira en torno al des­per­tar y la recu­peración de la sabiduría pop­u­lar sobre plan­tas y bru­jería en los ter­ri­to­rios de mon­taña, algo que inten­ta­mos lograr a través de nues­tras crea­ciones pero tam­bién a través del tra­ba­jo con museos, enti­dades cul­tur­ales, talleres, y labores de difusión.

You can also find us on Patre­on, Insta­gram, and Face­book.

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