Bryony Roots

White bry­ony (Brio­nia Dioica) is also known as False Man­drake, Eng­lish Man­drake, Ladie’s Seal, or Dev­il’s Turnip. In the past, Bry­ony was false­ly sold as man­drake in some areas dur­ing the Mid­dle Ages. Its roots, purga­tive and tox­ic, which can cause nau­sea and vom­its if ingest­ed, were carved and mould­ed into human shape by ludi­crous mer­chants, and… Con­tin­ue Reading →

Hemlock Roots

A sacred plant present in the old gar­dens con­se­crat­ed to Hecate, Hem­lock (Coni­um Mac­u­la­tum) is a foul smelly plant that grows in hedges and way­side areas. His­tor­i­cal­ly speak­ing, this plant was the killer of Socrates, and was used by Eleu­sian priests in order to numb their limbs help­ing them remain chaste. It is a plant of… Con­tin­ue Reading →

Gathering the Devil’s Turnip, English Mandrake

White bry­ony (Brio­nia Dioica) is also known as False Man­drake, Eng­lish Man­drake, or Dev­il’s Turnip. In the past, Bry­ony was false­ly sold as man­drake in some areas dur­ing the Mid­dle Ages. Its roots, purga­tive and tox­ic, which can cause nau­sea and vom­its if ingest­ed, were carved and mould­ed into human shape by ludi­crous mer­chants. In the… Con­tin­ue Reading →

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