Pyrene, Awaken Once More

This week­end we attend­ed the sec­ond edi­tion of L’Homme Sauvage fes­ti­val, in the French region of Occ­i­ta­nia. We nev­er thought it would be pos­si­ble, but this edi­tion was even bet­ter than the first one. Every­thing seemed to col­lide per­fect­ly: the peo­ple, the per­for­mances, the loca­tion, and a feel­ing that gave cohe­sion to it all, orches­trat­ed… Con­tin­ue Reading →

What we lose and what we find in Slumber

Exis­tence often ignores our per­son­al agen­da. The events that take place in our lives make us col­lapse and we feel like every­thing pre­vents us from mov­ing for­ward as we had pre­vi­ous­ly planned. Our life and our path are sub­ject to that of oth­ers and to those things that we do not expect, to the Inevitable.… Con­tin­ue Reading →

Awakening the territory, building the link between the seen and the unseen: the sorcerous mystery of L’Homme Sauvage

On Sep­tem­ber 29th we start­ed a jour­ney to L’Homme Sauvage fes­ti­val, held in the small town of Aspet, in the French Pyre­nees. As we have men­tioned sev­er­al times, Occvl­ta is now estab­lished in the Cata­lan Pyre­nees, an area called Pal­lars Sobirà, so it was real­ly easy to get there, just need­ing to cross one moun­tain… Con­tin­ue Reading →

A Ritual of Harvest

Autumn is here. Not astro­nom­i­cal­ly, not “offi­cial­ly” here, but there is always one day when you can feel the vibra­tions of autumn in your bones, in the trees, in the wind. And that time came last Thurs­day. I left home to do the last har­vest before the Dark Half of the Year (dur­ing that time… Con­tin­ue Reading →

Gathering the Devil’s Turnip, English Mandrake

White bry­ony (Brio­nia Dioica) is also known as False Man­drake, Eng­lish Man­drake, or Dev­il’s Turnip. In the past, Bry­ony was false­ly sold as man­drake in some areas dur­ing the Mid­dle Ages. Its roots, purga­tive and tox­ic, which can cause nau­sea and vom­its if ingest­ed, were carved and mould­ed into human shape by ludi­crous mer­chants. In the… Con­tin­ue Reading →

Cultural Appropriation in the Path of Poisons

We have already spo­ken about dan­gers in the Path of Poi­sons, the impli­ca­tions of Fear, the threat of Addic­tion, etc. all of those top­ics which, it was con­clud­ed, were caused by great degree of mis­in­for­ma­tion and lack of real or deep con­tact with nature dwelling spir­its. Now, some­thing that comes up to mind is the exis­tence of… Con­tin­ue Reading →

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