Autumn is here. Not astronomically, not “officially” here, but there is always one day when you can feel the vibrations of autumn in your bones, in the trees, in the wind. And that time came last Thursday. I left home to do the last harvest before the Dark Half of the Year (during that time… Continue Reading →
Update on oils, knives, and the Toad Witch collection
As you may know, we have been working on the upcoming Toad Witch collection, composed of a series of poisoner rosaries, talismans, the new Toad Witch Incense, and the Harvester Sets with knives by Borealis Ironworks. Due to logistical problems, the release of the collection is postponed, but at least we can give you a… Continue Reading →
Sacred Tool series: the Harvester Set
Today we received six harvesting knives wonderfully envisioned and hand crafted by Cody Dickerson from Borealis Ironworks (you can find his fantastic Etsy shop in here), which will integrate the upcoming Harvester Sets (composed of a harvest/gathering knife and an oil to anoint the blade before the harvesting ritual). They are perfect sized (portable and… Continue Reading →
New Territory, new Spirits, same Poisons?
It has been long since we last wrote an article for the blog. If you are familiar with our Instagram, you will be aware that we have moved to the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula, and so, that we now live in the Catalan Pyrenees. To us, that change is meditated, and the reasons… Continue Reading →
Retir de Connexió amb el Regne vegetal — Retreat for connecting with the Herbal Kingdom (Juny/June 2017)
Una estada de dos dies on aprendrem a sentir i comunicar-nos amb els daimons de les plantes; per així aconseguir entendre els senyals que ens fan arribar, creant un vincle profund amb l’entorn que ens ajudi a nivell espiritual, medicinal, i màgic. A través de la percepció profunda i conscient del territori i la flora… Continue Reading →
Bryony Roots
White bryony (Brionia Dioica) is also known as False Mandrake, English Mandrake, Ladie’s Seal, or Devil’s Turnip. In the past, Bryony was falsely sold as mandrake in some areas during the Middle Ages. Its roots, purgative and toxic, which can cause nausea and vomits if ingested, were carved and moulded into human shape by ludicrous merchants, and… Continue Reading →
Hemlock Roots
A sacred plant present in the old gardens consecrated to Hecate, Hemlock (Conium Maculatum) is a foul smelly plant that grows in hedges and wayside areas. Historically speaking, this plant was the killer of Socrates, and was used by Eleusian priests in order to numb their limbs helping them remain chaste. It is a plant of… Continue Reading →
Gathering the Devil’s Turnip, English Mandrake
White bryony (Brionia Dioica) is also known as False Mandrake, English Mandrake, or Devil’s Turnip. In the past, Bryony was falsely sold as mandrake in some areas during the Middle Ages. Its roots, purgative and toxic, which can cause nausea and vomits if ingested, were carved and moulded into human shape by ludicrous merchants. In the… Continue Reading →
Cultural Appropriation in the Path of Poisons
We have already spoken about dangers in the Path of Poisons, the implications of Fear, the threat of Addiction, etc. all of those topics which, it was concluded, were caused by great degree of misinformation and lack of real or deep contact with nature dwelling spirits. Now, something that comes up to mind is the existence of… Continue Reading →
Reflections on Metzineria (II): How to get Poisoned ‘Safely’
In this occasion we want to share with you another series reflection on Metzineria or the Path of Poisons, focusing on a recurring question: how should one get intoxicated/poisoned? We have received some doubts on what are the best substances to start experimenting with poisons, how to approach them, appropriate dosages, etc. Allow us to be a… Continue Reading →