17035739_10158483681540107_1623107542_oIt’s no sur­prise OCCVLTA has appar­ent­ly been inac­tive for some time. Its founders have endured a series of trans­for­ma­tions and rev­e­la­tions that have unex­pect­ed­ly enhanced and aid­ed to reach an evo­lu­tive growth and the achieve­ment of a deep­er goal.

We want to share with you, sup­port­ers, cus­tomers, ‑friends- the begin­ning of this new era, which we shall con­front with joy and a renewed spirit.

From this point on, Occvl­ta will focus in the cus­tom work­ing of incens­es, tinc­tures, oils, pen­dants, and var­i­ous arti­facts in the fields of herbal­ism, necro­man­cy, and oth­er kinds of Spir­it work. That means we will focus on work­ing on demand. How­ev­er, we will occa­sion­al­ly offer ready made ingre­di­ents or tools, but those will be made with spe­cif­ic goals and con­texts in mind.

The real aim behind Occvl­ta is to help peo­ple in their per­son­al prac­tice pro­vid­ing them with the guar­an­tee of know­ing that every arti­fact or tool has been craft­ed has fol­low­ing a high stan­dard of cor­rect­ness towards the Spir­it and ener­gies that rule the result­ing work as well as towards the intend­ed goal behind it.

ALL prod­ucts are craft­ed rit­u­al­ly (such rit­u­als are to be com­ment­ed with the cus­tomer, if required). Plants are har­vest­ed, plant­ed, or tak­en care of (if acquired from oth­er sources) accord­ing to rit­u­als observed in the Path of Poi­sons, the met­zine­r­ia or pon­zoñería that we are devel­op­ing, and so, we are com­mit­ted to rev­er­enc­ing the Spir­its we work with, pro­vid­ing them with a fit­ting sac­ri­fice in exchange, and enter­ing in a long term rela­tion­ship with them, not just “using” them for a purpose.

Thus being said, we hope you will join us in this Endeav­our. With a fear­less deter­mi­na­tion, with the will to learn, with respect towards those who are Hid­den, we open the gates of our Gar­den, our Vault, and our Shrine.

To cel­e­brate such rite of pas­sage we have craft­ed a series of cre­ations that we hope will suit you in this times of change and tur­moil. Here is a list of the ready made arti­facts you will find in the shop:


  • Myrrh Tinc­ture: for the sacral­i­sa­tion of bones and remains.
  • Div­ina­tion Tinc­ture: to aid the seer in his div­ina­to­ry processes.
  • Worm­wood Tinc­ture: a pow­er­ful con­coc­tion that encap­su­lates the spir­it of this plant, used in the noc­tur­nal path and deal­ings with the Oth­er­world. (com­ing soon)
  • Mug­wort Oil: an aid in dream work­ing and lunar god­dess­es wor­ship. (com­ing soon)
  • Rue Water: a real­ly pow­er­ful tool for exor­cism of those nox­ious spir­its that haunt indi­vid­u­als, objects, or places.

Herbal mix­tures that can be added into wine or spir­its (ccom­ing soon)

Ready made incenses

Cus­tom works


You can still pur­chase these arti­facts and tools at http://occvlta.storenvy.com/